So Diane came to visit us in Brno! I was very excited!
Except that when she came over, she didn't greet me like other dogs usually. She acted as if she was already queen of the place... oooh, I forgot! She indeed lived here once!
I thought I could impress her with my collection of toys.
But she wasn't impressed at all, she smiled and pointed to that really chewed off piece of rope I really like. She held it up thoughtfully. It used to be attached to an evil squeaker ball, and she proudly told me about the (2 second) battle she had with it and epicly killed the evil squeaker.
She inspected the place briefly and asked where Captain Kiwi was. I informed her that there wasn't any Kiwi anymore :( Diane took a grave look, and said that now I must me chief of this house for Jen's protection. She said she would teach me the ways of being a good boss.
Me, reluctantly sharing my huh... I mean her bed. |
She gave me a list of rules on how to dealing with dog toys:
- kill all squeakers
- take out the flesh of all stuffed animals
- dismantle all ropes

- clean out all bones.
She gave me some manner rules:
- eat as fast as you can
- splash as much water on the side when you drink
- if you vomit, make sure to eat it before Jen can clean it
With guests:
- alert if the doorbell rang (Jen doesn't like this)
- bring a toy to the guest if the guest is human
- be very stern if the guest is a dog, and only let in after inspection
I already do most of these, this won't be to hard.
I also showed her the parks, Luzanky and Namesti 28 Rijna. Again, she was unimpressed, and told she once was the queen of these territories.
She said being the queen of the park is a big responsibility, with a lot of work to do. I said I was ready to learn!
First we started with the routines checks. We had to verify is all the morning dogs had marked their territories. We sniffed every tree and trash and indeed, all were peed on properly.
Then we patrolled the perimeter, and made sure all dogs knew we were around. When we would meet a new one, we sniffed his age, breed and gender, and let them off on their merry way.
The we picked up all the big sticks, and put them in different places, in a very calculated and precise manner (i.e. just anywhere).
Diane, giving her report back to Jan |
Now this was indeed a lot of work!