Friday, February 22, 2013

Day 391 Queen concert

 The concert was quite good and I enjoyed it. But I don't understand why the audience always interrupts the orchestra and singers between each sound by making a huge amount of noise with their hands. I always got surprised and annoyed when that happened!

The music was quite loud, so Jen stuffed some tissues in my ears. I didn't like it so much so I took it out. Jen was worried I might be a bit deaf. Weee now I have an excuse not to heel when she tells me to!
Now I just look silly :(
Then Jen went with her friends for a drink and food, while I fell asleep.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 386 Marianne valley

Today we went to the frozen lakes of Marianske Udoli. They were frozen enough to walk on them.

Guide dogs are not supposed to go in water. But what about ON water? :)

Jen's petty dare (left) versus my bravery (right)

Walking on water like Jesus (almost)

We didn't only stay down at the lakes, we also climbed around in the forest.

Find the Mety in the picture!

On one of the hills, we found remnants of remparts from a very long time ago.

Remains of a hut (bottom left) inside the settlement
Sign with explanations

It was very cold. Jen had tea and cookies, so we stopped for a bit. Well she stopped, and threw the ball for me, to finish me off so I could hopefully be tired.

The Jen and the Mety

Tea break for Jen

I did get tired, but I would never admit it to her. I skipped happily all the way home (and fell asleep for 4 hours after).
Well I'll be damned!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 379 Dajan's new collar

So today we went for a new collar for Dajan. She went for a purple one cause it's in fashion.

Trying on collars
And bells
Suits Dajan perfectly!

I made fun of her and said she looked like a cow!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 378 Dajan's lost collar

Dajan and I went to the fields behind Tesco. I can't go to Luzanky no more, cause male dogs like me too much.
To get there we have to go behind the industrial zone and the abandoned buildings.
Parkour is a sport where you run and jump all over things
We hugged
We ran some more
We played fetch

Jen wanted to go home but we didn't. So Dajan lost her collar, and Jen had to stay walking in the fields to look for it (she didn't find it).
We're thirsty. Bartender, two beers please!

In all we stayed 1 hour and a half playing, then about an hour searching for the collar, then another 20 min of intensive fetching to make Dajan tired, to be sure she would heel perfectly all the way home (since there was no way to attach the leash).

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Day 382 Helping Jen with cows

Dajan and I are bored. Jen is studying all the time...
All day
All night

 So I decided to take things in my own hands and help her.
I had to study a bit too...

 I saw a picture of cow tetany (when the cow is poisoned by Clostridium tetani, a bacterium that produces toxins). The cow lays down on the floor, exactly in the position I sleep.
Like this
So I decided to teach Jen the diseases by teaching her how to recognize the symptoms! Here is the chart:

But then I got to a picture of mastitis and udder problems... I don't know how to demonstrate that :(
I don't have that.
Cows are a bit funny, they make milk. If I could make some kind of drink, I would make wine. It's more expensive than milk, so if I sell it I would get more money, ha!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 370 Being a role model

Today, Jennifer had again visitors from France, so we went and showed them the Czech/Brno landmarks.
First stop, food!
Uh Jen? That's not a landmark you know
 We also went to the castle (and since Glisse lives next to it, we met her to). She's really young and innocent, so I decided to mess around with her and teach her bad habits mwahahaaa...
Come on Glisse, I'll show you what you're not supposed to do!
See this wall here? Jump over it!
 Jen told me to stop, and that it wasn't funny. Sheesh. We then went to the museum.
Bleh, cannons are more fun!
Jen likes to draw, and to use me as her model. I don't know what's worse, sitting still in a museum looking at drawings, or sitting still to become a drawing...