Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 66 Spring

Today the weather was perfect, and Jen had another day off, so we went to spend most of the day west of Brno, in the fields by the lake.
Let's go!!
It takes us about an hour to get there (by tram mostly), so in that time I was "working".
Jen was supposed to work when we got there.
Here we are reading about microbiology...
She was reading, I was laying down.
"You look bored" she said. No, no I was actually okay, relaxing...

But Jen really insisted, "you reaaaally look bored". Huh? She got up to play. I am suspicious that SHE was the one who was bored and was just using me as an excuse to do something! :)

We played a lot of games. I like this one particular game, it's a very modified version of apport (=fetch), which consists of 80% me doing silly tricks, 10% learning new ones, and 10% of actually playing fetch.

Now you throw the stick? :)

 We also play that I have to stay in one spot while Jen hides the stick somewhere... (I always peek)

Jen hiding a stick behind a tree
and here ON a treebranch -_-

It was terribly hot though. We were not too far from the lake, but I am not allowed to take a dip to cool off...
Thankfully Jen brought water
I found ducks!

I'm so hot and exhausted...
But then we walked through Luzanky on the way back, we met the usual gang and... MAGICALLY I had energy again! :)
Fun day! When are we doing this again?!

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