Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Day 101 Barbecue

Jen is finally learning czech. I never told her, but it's quite embarrassing to see your human stand awkwardly while all other humans are capable of having conversations. I've been trying to take her out to parks to get her to talk to people, but so far I have not resolved this issue with her.

Sunrise in the park
Early in the park... no one there :(
Mety wrestling with Mety
Met a dog called Mety too!
(turns out it is from "Mathilda" not from Cometti)
Until she met Dajan's dad. Now she got extremely motivated to learn the language, and much to my delight, likes stydying outside in the park. This morning she sat right next to the dog zone, and read her book off and on for 4 hours.
Picture of the barbecue

After that we went to a barbecue back at the dormitory.
Mety running among the people picniking
I kept myself quite busy!
Finding other dogs to play with me
Finding people to throw a stick for me
Finding Jen in all this mess

I was so busy in fact that I ignored the pieces of meat on unattended plates, or a few bones scattered around the trash.
Jen was very pleased because that is how I should behave, but said my survival skills in the wild would be quite low... But really, who would prefer a taste of fresh meat rather than a ball?

Mety laying in front of a meaty bone bone
Jen made me even fetch it.., and I couldn't care less about it!
Other dogs were getting petted and I needed to check that out!
Around 18:00 we went home. Jen wondered if I actually didn't care for bones and meat. So she took out the femur of the pig that was grilled for the humans today. She said they had it out of human consumption quality meat, so hopefully there wouldn't be any Trichinella spiralis (that's another worm, she really obsesses with those since her parasitology exam!)

Mety gnawing on a fresh bone
Yom yom WORMS!! (I say that to annoy Jen)
Mety puts a paw on the bone as she eats
I put my paw on it because Jen kept stealing the bone to check out the
anatomy of the ligaments I was trying to tear off
Late evening, we went with Paulin for a nightwalk. I demanded to see Max, but she explained he is in Germany with her family now, so I can't see him. :(
Picture of Mety and Max together
No Max! I miss that furball...
Speaking of not seeing, Jen and other humans act blind at night. I wonder why they don't activate nightvision? Maybe Jen is trying to test my guiding dog skills?
Only black
What Jen and Paulin see
Vision in black and green
What I see

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