Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 58 Food

So before the ski trip, it takes ages to schedule to meet Milan, but today, one day after the Jen got back we randomly met him :) I am always happy to say hello!

Also I got a new bag of food. I am quite good at eating them up, it takes me about 3 weeks to gobble down 14 kilos. And when I am done, a new bag appears at the door. How convenient!

Jen is a lot more complicated, she eats all kinds of different foods. I like it because then I can come with her on a trip to the supermarket to perfect my working skills.

Off to buy a cartful of food!
When Jen is hungry...
The thing I find sad though is that she never shares her food with me... Except today!

With the big bag of food came three extra treats. Jen gave me one. It looked too easy, I was suspicious, it looked like a trap. I didn't eat it.
Jen thought a while, went to the fridge and came back with the same treat wrapped in ham. THAT looked a lot less suspicious so I ate it! C'mon, anything wrapped in ham can't be bad! :)

Jen said the treat was a pill and that I am now protected from having worms. Haha she is scared of worms? Those are the most harmless creatures! I asked her if I could have a pill against horses. I still feel uneasy around them....
Dunno if you can see, but this is me staring at horses mowing the lawn in our park

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