Friday, June 29, 2012

Day 156 The wonders of studying

We are so bored studying! We tried everything: alone, with one friend, with a group of friends... In the park, inside, outside, in a quiet place, in a busy place... Jen is running out of ideas!

At the dorms

In front of the library

In some kind of abandoned place
At the dorms once more, this time on the floor
At home with Kiwi

In Luzanky park...

Out of energy
Studying til night...

I got bored. There were guys next to us playing tennis. That was much more interesting (of course, there is a ball!) so I went to watch them instead.
I can be the judge! :)
Jen said there is even a job to pick up the tennis balls during a game!
I want thaat!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 155 Clothes

I love it! Best treat on earth!
Every day I get my ice-cream. It's a spoonful of nice dog wet-food mixed with water, and frozen in a yogurt cup. It's not fatty like human icecream, so I can look nice for the summer hehe...
I chry choo puch ish inchirely ih' my moush
buh ish choo cold!
Omm nom nom...

Today we went to find Molly's shoes because she needs them. Why does Molly get shoes and I don't? Kiwi has a little sweater that Jen puts on her when she's misbehaving (as a punishment haha). Why don't I get human clothes!?

Kiwi after she stole something
had to wear the sweater for 5 min
Molly's shoes. They don't fit me

I want high-heels, so I can look taller!

Jen said I do have clothes. Right! My working jacket, but that doesn't count, it's a dog clothes! I want real clothes!
Jen took out my period underwear... oops no! Nevermind, I don't want clothes anymore!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 154 The bitch on the beach

Today Jen said we would go to the beach.
She lied. Well not really, but a bit.
There was also cool sculptures!
This is silly...
There was sand, and places to rest. But there was no sea, and I was getting hot too fast. Jen too, so we went home.

Now it is so hot, that before we go out, Jen puts me in the bathtub and makes me all wet. That helps a lot, instead of getting too hot in 5 min, I get too hot in 7 min! Very useful indeed!
Here I am wet... but not for long!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 152 Sharing is caring

This evening, we went to pick up little Bella, because it's her mom's turn to go to the horse clinic, and Bella doesn't like horses so much.
Bella has a red carpet in her house. That's so smart! Her mom will never complain about making red spots everywhere!
We put Kiwi away, because Bella might eat Kiwi. Or Kiwi might eat Bella, not sure which would happen first.
I am not sure Kiwi would even taste that good. The other day I was watching a horror-movie about some Chinese people eating delicacies made from all different kinds of animals, including cats and dogs. Funnily enough, even the Chinese don't eat ferrets. That's how bad Kiwi must taste!
Me, photobombing Kiwi
I like Bella and I always try to play with her. I think she likes me too, but she does a great job of hiding it.

But it's not like I am not nice with her! Well no, I won't share my octopus toy and no, I won't let her close to the room where Kiwi is in. But I do allow her to to get the great honor of getting punched in the face with my paw. And I do allow her to drink from my waterbowl. Ain't I the absolute sweetest dog?
Me, being a good host... but NOT sharing my octopus toy!
She is allowed to sit closest to Jen
(only when Jen is studying, if Jen starts petting us, then I butt Bella out of the way)
After I ate most of dinner, I casually sat on my foodbowl. Jen caught on to that, and said "Good try, but nope, that ain't happening."

Well what else should I do?! It's my food! Well, no I didn't go hunt the meat. No I didn't help prepare it, it was ready-made. And no, I didn't have the money to buy it, and if I did, I couldn't go into a store to purchase it. And no, I didn't help in any way whatsoever to get it into that foodbowl, that doesn't have my name on it in the first place.

But... but... somehow, it's still MY food!
Bella will not get any of it!
I'll sleep the whole night here if I need to!
Jen said "Poor Belly! so mistreated!". Harumpf, I am the misteated!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 152 Still bored, still micro

These days I am really bored. Jen tried to make a game to entertain me. I wasn't so impressed.
I don't know what she was expecting...
Microbiology is easy, why is Jen taking so long to learn it? I am thinking to put on blond wig on, and just go ahead and do the exam for her...

Treatment of Streptococcus in pig?
Amoxicillin of course!
Treatment of Moraxella in cow eye?
Gentamycin evidently!
Treatment of boredom in Mety?
Throw the stick of course!

Jen finally let me play with another dog. A non castrated male even!

But even with his "entireness" he was still 1/10th of my size. Still, I was happy to have a playmate!
On our walks I see no one!

I am the Juliet of "Romeo and Juliet"
Jen won't let me meet Romeo... nor Captain/Max/Jumper/Brownie....
Jen let me off leash!
Fido is not waiting for me behind that bush!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day 151 Kiwi walk and ancient species hunt

Kiwi: Excuse me my dear, I must claim this rope
Mety: No no you are mistaken, this is my property
Kiwi: My fair lady, I assure these are my belongings...
Mety: Far would it be my intention to displease you, but look, my paw is on it. Therefore it's mine...
Kiwi: Good point, but my.... oh just freakin give it up already you twat!!

Since we have to avoid dogs on walks, now Jen takes Kiwi too (we only walk with her at night usually). But now the sun comes out really early, so if we go out around 6AM, we usually don't meet too many people.

Kiwi never walks in a straight line
Playing at the park
Why must I k-noze (=heel) when Kiwi is allowed to run ahead?
But Kiwi can't run long distances, she doesn't wear me out at tug of war (she is good at it... but then I pick both the toy and her up, so there isn't much she can do!). In short: I still have energy and I am bored!

I'm bored. Let's go to the park!
Arg you're just changing position!
How boring!
Really? You're getting up! We're going somwhere?

Bamba comes over and we can play a bit.
Well I play and she does her own business. She is a hunting dog. She taught me a bit the ancient art of hunting. She told of this is a very mythical creature she hunts, it is small and often of green color. It does not make any sound, it can fly very fast but can also move quickly on the ground among the grass. She has never seen its babies, they always seem adult size when she sees them. Humans can't handle them, these creatures always fly off from they hands. They don't seem to have any weakness, but the second they are caught, they pretend to be dead, like spies committing suicide not to share secret information.

Bamba, following a trail in the garden.
I asked her the name of this curious species, she came close to my ear and whispered: "The latin name is Tennis ballus, but it is best known under the name of ... ball"

Bamba, practicing the fine art of camouflage
(learned in ball hunting ninja camp)
That was a disappointment!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Day 150 Fences and butterfly

Today, Jen woke up and said "ah-ha! I know the perfect place to let you off leash!".
Mety waking up
Why good morning to you too Jennifer...
 OK there is a concept I don't understand well. It's fences. Humans put a bar of some kind, and everyone is supposed to pretend it's an impenetrable wall...
Mety standing through a fence
What fence?
Mety jumping over a fence
Yay, a jumping obstacle!
Jen makes me stop and go back when I trespass on fences. What's the big deal? When people really want to make sure people don't go through, they make real fences! Not pretend ones!

Mety next to a really tall fence
THIS is a real fence.
Anyway, all this to say that today we went to the abandoned stadium. It's perfect, there is a huge field in the middle for me, and seats all around for Jen, and walls, fences and gates to prevent people and their male dogs from coming in.
Mety in the stadium

But to get in there, we had to climb a bit and... go through a fence. I thought this was forbidden! Jen said "well like you said Mety, if they really didn't want us in, they'd have made a real fence!". Finally! Jen acknowledges that I am right!
Mety and Jen going through a fence
Jen and I, being criminals
 Mwahahaaa I am so wise and smart now! I am on year old, one whole year old, and I know stuff! Hehe..
Jen studying with Mety by her side
Me, with all my knowledge, teaching Jen microbiology
And then we went food shopping, because Jen ran out of food days ago and was living off pasta, rice and lentils and eggs, and was probably going to start stealing my food soon if we didn't go grocery shopping today.
Mety with her jacket on ready to go shopping