Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Day 139 Horse Clinic - The clinic

 The horse clinic is situated in Jen's university, right next to the sports hall. I would have preferred spending a week running after balls rather than horses, and I often tried redirecting her to that building, but Jen wasn't fooled so easily.
View from the horse clinic to the administrative building and library

The first and most important room is the Mety room. It's where I spent most of the time, when Jen is really busy or in the surgery room.
It felt comfy as I had my toys, my blank and a bowl of water
Right next to my room is the medecine room. It's where they keep all the drugs. I tried to sneak in and see what they have, but it's out of paws reach :(
Plenty of drugs mwahahahaaaa
Across the hall it's the examination room. As its name says, it's for examining the horses. It's also for bandage making and changing, skin lesion treatment, injection and other drug administration for horses who will not stay, but I guess all that would be too long a name instead of examination room.
I don't want to be examined...
Next part is the surgery area. It has a pre-chamber with pillows on all the walls, so it's not possible to get hurt even if you run against the wall. It's for horses falling asleep, says Jen. I can't understand why the horses would fall asleep, next room is the best room, the surgery room!

Green pillows everywhere, Jen's favorite color!
Surgery room, I am not allowed to put my paws in here
 The surgery room was full of machines, computers and tubes. It also had a big bed for horses. I guess horses are so bored of surgeries and that's why they fall asleep?

Then we get to where the horses are. It's a big hall with horses on both sides. I used to be not so good around horses, but when I am surrounded by them, I tend to become a little angel!
Hall of horses
Hello you!
  On the side, there is the junk room. It's an even bigger mess than Jennifer's bedroom!
Kiwi heaven, Kiwi loves boxes!
  And in the way out (or in), there is a place for visitors and clients to sit. And most importantly there is a coffee  machine! One of Jen's favorite spots in the night shift!
Again Jen didn't let me have caffeine

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