Sunday, June 10, 2012

Day 136 Return gift

There was a ball left from yesterday. Jen gave it to me outside. But when I took it in my mouth it disappeared. Weird.
Here Jen I'll bring it back! :)
Oops... did someone hear a bang?
 So yeah, today I had an amazing time in the park, all the dogs were super interested in me. As in super super interested...
Apparently I am on heat again! Probably Lily gave it to me, said Jen. Sheesh, she makes it sound like a disease! I consider it a return-gift from all the stuff I got yesterday. She gave me a bunch of treats, I give her a bunch of red spots! :)

 Jen said she didn't want to clean the house from all those decorative red spots that are appearing everywhere, so she put panties on me! I can't see the connection at all, what if she puts a hat on me, will the black tiles disappear too?
Thankfully it is black, so barely visible
Jen is only walking me on the street now. When we get home I am not tired, so I spend a lot of time playing with Kiwi.

Pretending we're doing nothing...
Ferret agility!
Kiwi: "Mety you're tall enough, can you
catch the bag for me?"
Kiwi is always doing something mischievous, like stealing something from the table, food from the fridge, a toy from my mouth...
Here I am pretending to sleep, but actually guarding my toys from the Kiwi...

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