Sunday, June 3, 2012

Day 127 Lily's heat

Lily is having what I had a few months ago. She has a tummy ache, she has that little red spot following her and boys become annoying. So instead of going to the park, she comes over to the garden and we can play.
Lily, me and Bamba
(I must say it was an amazing stick)

I am trying to wave goodbye, but Lily is interrupting!
Lily is my best friend! I love playing with her so much I can't control myself. Today I fell off the porch playing with her.

Mety is my second favorite dog, although he has the same name as me. Maybe that's why he is so cool! Because he has the same name as me! Hehe....
Mety is also black. Black Metys are the best dogs! 
In the park I meet so many dogs! It's because Jen and I stay long times (around 3 hours in the morning) so we see a lot of people come and go. And when there is no one, I find people to throw the stick, or I motivate Jen to entertain me.

Playing with Ellis
Playing with a stick
Playing with a pinecone in the park

Jen counted that on average I spend 4 hours and a half each day out and about, either in the park, or walking by her side (not counting when we go to sleep and I fall asleep for an hour and a half). But if it is under 3 hours, I bundle up too much energy and I become a little brat, and then I can't focus. So to keep things easy and calm she walks me (or sits down in the dog zone while I run around) for often more than 5 hours a day. I'm not complaining, the more, the better!

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